About Us

WHRC operates residential services and community-based day services in British Columbia. Two programs offer nursing support to children and their families in the interior and northern regions of BC. The agency has over 725 qualified, talented and committed staff ensuring safety, responding to needs, and most importantly sharing in the joy when individuals realize their wishes and dreams.

To provide and advocate for services for individuals who require support, to live the lifestyle of their choice.
We believe that people will maximize their potential in the direction which they desire, when support is provided together with the opportunity to learn through life experiences. We continually improve and adapt our services in response to changing individual wishes and needs, progress in the field of support to enhance quality of life, and changes in the social and material environment.
We value that each person has his/her own personality, strength, needs, and potential. We feel that all people have the right to pursue a chosen lifestyle as protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.